ハートキャッチプリキュアの感想 in English

Heartcatch Episode 1 Review

Cure Moonlight and the Dark Cure are here to kick some ass

冒頭シーンの説明。kick some ass→誰かを倒す、やっつける、試合などで相手に勝つ、という意味らしい。Dark Cureというのは、先週出てきた敵のクールな女の人だな。第1話ですでに出ていたのか。

Tsubomi, you need to loose at least 3 cup sizes to become a cure, it's the rule!


Anyway after a moment of being scared and then decide to fight it's henshin time!!!!! and it's a good one but it has some flaws, for one part The music is the best henshin music, that chord progression is exquisite for my ears, but the transformation itself, i dont know, theres a lack of camera movement, the background, is spinning for the effect but it's not enough and the long dress are just, not appealing to me, although the last part when she says cure blossom is nice. Anyway, better than fresh and max heart but nowhere near good as Futari wa, Splash and Yes5, Specially GoGo.

変身タイムについての感想。BGMのコード進行がすばらしい、らしい(この記述のせいでコード譜の検索にかかったのか)。変身そのものはイマイチで、「fresh」や「max heart」よりはマシだが、「Futari wa」「Splash」「Yes5」には及ばず、「GoGo」には遠く及ばない、と。