
SinoDefence Forumの尖閣諸島問題のトピックをなんとなく読み続けている。わざわざ英語のサイトを読んでいるのは、英語の勉強目的でもあるけど、基本的には日本語のサイトばかり読んでると偏ると思ったからこそだ。それなのに、結局は日本びいきな意見に好感を持ってしまう。やっぱり所詮は日本人なんだな、と妙に納得した。


#377 Martian氏の書き込み

One effect of Japan's detention/imprisoning of the Chinese captain is that Chinese television has been airing programs about Japanese brutality against Chinese civilians during World War II.

My mother says she was very upset at the barbaric Japanese. She says that she is disinclined to buy Japanese products now. Lately, I haven't seen any Meiji chocolate almonds, Pocky, Japanese apple-pears, and whatever else that my mother normally buys.

The next time that Japan picks on a Chinese fisherman, I think we should organize a boycott of all Japanese products

#386 Mr.T氏の返し

That's interesting, because I'm sure your mother knew all about this beforehand. Yet she's only said this because of the TV coverage you talk about. Why doesn't the Chinese media just call for a national trade boycott?
